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Ryokusui Lake Camp Field

Ryokusui Lake Camp Field is in Nanbu-cho, between Tottori prefecture and Shimane prefecture’s mountains. There are lots of around Kasho reservoir which is known as RyokusuiLake. In the springtime, cherry blossoms bloom and in the fall, leaves turn colors, nature is so beautiful around the RV park. On the eastside of the RV park, you can see Daisen Mountain, which is the largest mountain of western Japan. Also, when the weather is good, you can stargaze all through the night. That does not happen at a normal RV park; this is due to the RV park being located on a mountain that allows you to see them.


Address 1128-1, Shimonakatani, Nanbu-town, Saihaku-gun, Tottori
Q & R 0859-66-5611
Link https://tottori-camppark.jp/
Business hours 午前10:00~午後19:00(電話)、メール・LINEでのお問合せは営業時間外でも可能ですが、予約確定のご返答は翌営業時間になりますことをご了承ください
Holiday 火曜定休(電話)、※メール・LINEでのお問合せは営業時間外でも可能ですが、予約確定のご返答は翌営業時間になりますことをご了承ください
Other 予約方法まとめはコチラ
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